Palo blanco

Palo blanco
Thouinidium pinnatum
- Full sun
- Easy Care
- Outdoor
Why we chose it for Santo Domingo
The species selected for this initiative is the Palo Blanco; Thouinidium pinnatum, an endemic tree of the Dominican Republic classified as Vulnerable (VU) according to the Red List of Vascular Flora in the Dominican Republic.
How to plant
After the event, the collected seeds will be taken to the nursery of the National Botanical Garden (JBN) where the germination and growth process will begin under controlled conditions. This nursery has the facilities and trained personnel to ensure healthy growth of the seedlings. Once the seedlings reach an appropriate size, their transfer to specific areas where Thounidium pinnatum specimens already exist or where soil and climate conditions are similar to their natural distribution will be planned. This process will include identifying potential sites, preparing the land, and planting the seedlings with the support of botanical and conservation experts.
We invite you to join us in planting the seed of hope: deepen your relationship with nature, protect and wonder at our vast Earth.